Marsh Environmental Ecological Consultants | Ecological consultancy and environmental surveys

Marsh Environmental Ecological Consultants

Ecological Surveys and Services We Offer...

If you would like to know more about a particular ecological survey please click on a picture below to see more information.

Most site surveys begin with a scoping or Phase 1 survey, this baseline assessment is often required to support planning applications at the initial stage.

For many species it is an offence, (special penalties apply), to kill, disturb or injure them or to destroy a place of rest or a roost, (Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981).

We can undertake bird surveys throughout the year to establish a sites importance for wintering, breeding and passage birds.

These ship or boat based surveys can be undertaken together at any time of year.

Field surveys for badgers can be undertaken anytime however they are best surveyed in the Spring and Autumn when field signs and activity are more obvious.

We undertake initial building surveys for the potential for bats and if required undertake follow up bat emergence/activity surveys to facilitate planning applications.